
SMEnergy Partners

SMEnergy's partners consist of 5 companies from 4 different European countries.

Chamber of Commerce
and Industry Vratsa, CCI Vratsa

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa (CCI Vratsa) has been established in the autumn of year 1991 by a general constituting assembly.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa is a non-governmental organisation which maintains, promotes and represents the interest of its members while contributing to the development of the international economic cooperation. The Chamber strives to establish ethical relations in business. All goals and tasks of CCI Vratsa are directed towards establishment of the most favourable economic environment for Bulgarian business and facilitation of its activity.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa is based on the principles of voluntary participation and membership, autonomy and self-financing. CCI Vratsa works in close cooperation with national, regional and local authorities and other non-government organisations, SMEs, Academic and Research bodies, as well as with other business support structures and CCIs from abroad.

CCI Vratsa has 30 years of experience in more than 80 EU and other donors funded projects implementation.

24, Hristo Botev str., Vratsa, Bulgaria | 00359 02  66 71  |


ISQ is a private, independent, reputable, and accredited entity, and one of our partners that offers a range of Engineering, Consultancy, Inspection, Testing, R&D, and Innovation services.

This organization acts in its best interest to promote the quality of products, services, facilities, and processes, for greater recognition, competitiveness, and innovation. ISQ has a sustained presence in several countries and runs businesses with multinational partners and consortia, through affiliated companies on several continents.

It’s a global and local entity, customizing offers, facilities, and human resources to the needs and context of each region or country it operates in. ISQ is an organization that provides scientific-technological support by promoting continuous improvement, innovation, and the safety of people and property in industry and services. It represents Portugal’s largest Technological Interface Centre.

Avenida Professor Dr. Cavaco Silva, 33 Taguspark, 2740-120 Porto Salvo- Lisbon, Portugal | 214228100 |

E.G. Eugene Global Ltd

E.G. Eugene Global Ltd is an enterprise established in 2010, with a vision to develop and deliver trustworthy solutions, to provide high-quality consulting services and training, covering needs in business, operations, governance and Information technology areas. The company is based in Limassol Cyprus and provides its services and solutions in all types of organizations whether private and/or public.

We operate locally, in the region and at the international level and typical clients include companies and organizations of all sizes from big corporations to SMEs, in Cyprus, Europe and the Middle East.

Eugene is constantly focusing on the value, professional development and welfare of its people. Our team includes specialized and certified professionals and experts, with a long experience and expertise in their areas.

All our managers and senior experts have more than 20 years of field experience in local and international environments and utilize their background, soft skills and maturity to provide and build value for our clients.

5 Seychellon, 3067 Limassol, Cyprus | +357 96 33 1006 |

University of Piraeus, UPRC

The University of Piraeus was founded in 1938 under the title “School for Industrial Studies”, by the Industrialists and Tradesmen Association. It was renamed several times through the years, until 1989 when finally, was renamed to University of Piraeus. Today the University runs ten departments in four greater fields of study (Academic Schools): a) Economics, Business and International Studies, b) Maritime and Industrial Studies, c) Finance and Statistics and d) Information and Communication Technologies, awarding degrees and doctorates in the corresponding scientific fields. Moreover, University of Piraeus offers a variety of postgraduate programs (MSc and MBA).

The University of Piraeus Research Center (UPRC) was established in 1983. UPRC aims at providing the institutional framework which would facilitate and, to some extent, support the research carried out by faculty members, in the general fields of economics, management and computing. UPRC numbers 25 experienced employees in supportive managerial activities and is governed by an executive board formed exclusively by faculty members of the University, appointed by the Senate. UPRC has so far carried out more than 1.000 research programs, as well as numerous education programs, conferences and executive seminars funded by the European Union, the General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Ministries, banks, organizations of the civil sector, companies, non-profit and non-governmental organizations.

In the SMEnergy project UPRC is represented by a team led by Prof. V. Dedoussis of the Dept. of Industrial Management & Technology of the University of Piraeus. The primary aim of the Dept. of Industrial Management & Technology is to provide its students with the appropriate scientific knowledge and methodology required for the analysis, design, implementation, organization and management of industries as well as manufacturing and services providing companies. Apart from its educational role the Department contributes directly to the enhancement of the national economy and the Greek society as a whole. It has a long-standing record of collaboration, via nationally and EU funded applied research projects, with major Greek industries, manufacturing companies and SMEs. Collaborating companies belong to various industrial sectors such as home appliances, electronic/electrical equipment, packaging and bicycle manufacturing, as well as to non-industrial economic sectors like engineering and business consulting, logistic services, public transport and health-care.

UPRC: 91 Al. Papanastasiou st. 18533 Piraeus, Greece
Dept. of Industrial Management & Technology: 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou st. 18534 Piraeus, Greece

+30 210 4142624 | +30 210 4142320 | +30 210 4142167 |


(TOURNIS SYMVOULEFTIKI EE) is a consulting firm covering essential business and one of our partners that needs in the areas of Business Resilience, Governance, Risk & Compliance Management, Incident & Crisis Management, Business Continuity Management, Information Security and Privacy Management.

SIGMA utilizes globally established Methodologies and Best Practices, customized to each Client’s (and Project’s) specific business & operational individualities and responding to the majority of international & national standards, regulations and legislations, or individual customer policies.

Based in European Union, SIGMA delivers its high-value services and solutions to Corporate and Government Organizations in Europe, the Balkans and the Middle East, covering all business sectors and industries such as Banks, Telecoms, Technology firms, Pharmaceuticals, Energy, Health, Insurance, Stock Exchanges, Lottery, Retail, Wholesales, Automotive Industries et al.

SIGMA is a proud business partner of world-leading organizations in the areas of its interests and is an active member in ongoing research and innovation programs of EU.

9 KRYSTALLI Str. 14565 Agios Stefanos , Greece | 0030 210 2526321 |

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