Methodology Implementation steps guide
Guidance for the use of the Methodology
Guidance for the use of the Self-rating Tool
Guidance for the use of the Training Course
This document presents a step-by-step guide to assist the users of the SMEnergy tool on understanding the main components inherent to SMEnergy, namely the Training Course, Implemented Methodology, and Self-rating (S-R) tool.
In the sequence of Pictures 1 – 9, it is presented the sequence of steps to be followed to use each one of the energy footprint management methodology.
Picture 1. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 1)

Picture 2. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 2)
Tab 1 performs an Introduction on the subject.

Picture 3. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 3)
Tab 2 presents the definition of aspects concepts related to energy use, consumption and the energy systems, such as energy footprint and energy efficiency. It furtherly presents International Standards for Energy Use and Consumption.

Picture 4. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 4)
Tab 3 presents the aspects related to energy management and its handling on SME’s.

Picture 5. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 5)
Tab 4 presents the aspects related to the socio-economic system of energy management performance.

Picture 6. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 6)
Tab 5 presents the classification of sectors by energy intensity.

Picture 7. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 7)
Tab 6 presents several case-studies of SME’s in which considerable energy footprint mitigation have been verified.

Picture 8. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 8)
Tab 7 presents several state-of-the-art improvement measures applied in real life to reduce the energy footprint.

Picture 9. Methodology step-by-step guide (Part 9)
Tab 8 presents conclusions to the subject.

In the sequence of Pictures 10 – 18, it is presented the sequence of steps to be followed to use each one of the parts of the self-rating tool.
Picture 10. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 1)

Picture 11. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 2)
In ENERGY FOOTPRINT MANGEMENT SELF-RATING TOOL, you will have the option to go into the energy footprint management assessment tool (QUANTIFY YOUR COMPANY) or the associated theoretical knowledge self-rating tool (ASSESS YOUR KNOWLEDGE). First, the QUANTIFY YOUR COMPANY part will be explained. You can select from asset of three sectors. The Food and Beverage will be selected as an example.

Picture 12. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 3)
After selecting the target sector, you may select either the Horeca or Manufacturers options. The Horeca option will be selected as an example.

Picture 13. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 4)
After select the job position, you will have access to the self-rating tool. Select Next to go further

Table 14. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 5)
- Each question of the sector is associated to a type of energy using activity. For each one, you must select:
- The quantity of existing units of the energy-using activity (1 to 20) OR The amount of material to be processed in the energy-using activity in tons
- The number of hours per day of use of the mentioned energy-using activity (1 to 24) OR The distance travelled by a vehicle-type energy-using activity
The power scale of the energy-using activity (Low, Medium and High), which exists only for a set of energy-using activities

Picture 15. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 6)
After responding to each question, you will be presented with the results corresponding to energy footprint benchmarking. You may select Retake Quiz to repeat the questionnaire for the same sector.

Picture 16. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 7)
You may also have access to the ASSESS YOU KNOWLEDGE part of the tool, in which you will assess your knowledge related to the energy footprint concept.

Picrture 17. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 8)
Each question responds to a specific aspect associated to the energy footprint concept. You may select:
Yes (if you agree or are acknowledged on the subject)
No (if you do not agree or are not acknowledged on the subject)
Not sure (if you do not take any position)

Picture 18. Self-rating tool step-by-step guide (Part 9)
After responding to each question, you will be presented with the results corresponding to energy footprint benchmarking. You may select Retake Quiz to repeat the questionnaire for the same sector.

In the sequence of , it is presented the sequence of steps to be followed to use each one of the parts of the training course.
Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 1)

Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 2)
You will have access to each one of the 5 Training Courses Modules. Module 1 will be selected as an example.

Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 3)
After selecting a module, you will have access to the Module view. You may access to each tab of the module by clicking on the arrows.

Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 4)
You may select a full screen option on your browser.

Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 5)
You may also navigate to each specific part of the module.

Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 6)
Before the end of the Module, you will have a questionnaire.

Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 7)
At the end of the Module, you will be presented with the results of the questionnaire.

Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 8)
You may access the solutions to each one of the questions.

Picture 10. Training Course step-by-step guide (Part 9)
You may also retry the Module.